Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year New Goals

This new year of 2011, I have goals that I want to become habits. First of all, I want to manage my time better than I usually do, and I want to be faster at everything. I am a perfectionist in just about anything and I need to hurry up and finish so that I can move on and do more in the day. Secondly, I need to learn to pay more attention to my teachers. When a teacher starts lecturing, I automatically zone out, just to be confused when I finally start paying attention ten minutes later. If I payed attention, I would get better grades, and if I got better grades, I wouldn't have to worry so much about them. That's another thing to change. I don't want to be worried all the time. I want to relax more and stress less . I also should go to bed earlier so I won't be tired the entire day.

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